Friday, May 29, 2009

Mama's milk and kangaroo care

Anne-Claire and Elise are three days old today! It was a big day because my milk finally came in, so I'm producing a lot more and the babies are, therefore, getting a lot more. I was able to "feed" Elise her 9:30am feeding of pure Mama's milk while kangarooing with her, and did the same with Anne-Claire at 3 o'clock. The girls' nurse, Holly, was kind enough to snap a few pictures of both events. She said if they continue to handle their feedings so well, the schedule of when I can begin nursing them could speed up.




Lauren said...

Wow Michelle! I am so impressed how well your girls are doing. You look great too, especially for just having major surgery!

That is awesome that your milk is coming in so well. That is amazing that your girls may be able to directly feed so soon. I couldn't try to do that until Noah was about 5 weeks old.

Wow, Kangaroo time is a lot easier when your babies are that small! I love these pictures. If you got my message, I am sorry I keep missing you on the phone. I want to talk to you soon.

Oh, just for your information, today the hospital I delivered Noah in saved a baby that was 26 weeks old and was born 12 ounces small. The baby is now 2 months and 2&1/2 lbs. and the baby is thriving! This was the smallest surviving baby ever for that hospital. Anne-Claire and Elise are monsters compared to that baby at birth.

I love you!

Rachel Pierson said...

This is so precious! I'm happy and thankful that they are doing so well, even better now that they have Mamma's milk.

You continue in my prayers, dear sister.

teacherjanet said... can really see how tiny they are in these pics and they are looking great! Mamas milk = good strong babies! :)

Lela said...

Dear Michelle,
it is so nice to see that you and the girls are doing well! My best wishes for you and your beautiful family. I look forward to see all of you again soon. A big kiss to Emma and Charlotte. You are great! Love, Lela

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! These pictures are so precious. What big girls they are going to be now that they have so much good Mama milk. Praise God that He made you to be an, um, "overproducer!" Embarrassing if you leak, but glorious if you have twins...I love you. ~Barbara

Anne said...

Dear Michelle -

Yay! So glad you are able to kangaroo and feed them your milk! They look great!

Anna said...

Wow--the girls look little and big all at the same time! We're praying for you all!