Thursday, January 1, 2009

Prayer for Baby Noah Michael Pickett

This dear baby is the firstborn of a young couple, Brandon and Lauren Pickett, who recently left Bloomington and our church and moved to Pennsylvania. Brandon and Lauren were members of our home fellowship group and hold a special place in our hearts. Their wedding was Emma's first at the ripe age of three-weeks old, and Lauren watched Emma for me the summer I was working tons before Charlotte was born.

Little Noah was born the day after Christmas, twelve days past his due date, by emergency c-section, weighing a whopping 9 lbs 6 oz and measuring 22 1/8 inches long. By many standards he is a strong, healthy little boy. Unfortunately, he aspirated meconium upon delivery and is very, very sick. He's been in the NICU at the children's hospital in Pittsburgh since his birth a week ago, fighting for his life on a ventilator. Lauren wrote this note yesterday, Day 6 in the NICU:

"Thank you all for your continued prayers. I cannot even begin to express how much they mean to us. Please keep the prayers coming. Specifically, please pray that Noah would have a good night. Pray that Noah would only stay stable or make progress. Pray that Noah would not regress. Pray that Noah would not need the ECMO treatment and that God would direct the doctors and nurses in their decisions. Pray that Psalm 91 would be a promise for Noah.

Today was a good day for little Noah. The ECMO treatment has been, for now, taken off the table. Of course, as we have found out, anything can change within a matter of hours. We are constantly being challenged to put our faith in God and not our faith in Noah's vital statistics. However, we are grateful for today's stats. All of Noah's numbers were much better today and the doctor's have once again started the process of weening him off the ventilator. They are taking the weening process very, very slowly now because Noah has been very sensitive to any changes made to his support levels.

I have been taking everyone's suggestion and singing hymns, kid songs, and silly songs I made up about how much I love Noah to him. I love him more deeply than I knew I could love another human being and it opens my eyes to the true sacrifice God made when He sent His Son to die for our sins.Please keep praying. Please send out our information to anyone and everyone- we gladly accept prayer from anyone who is willing."

A friend of mine shed light on the seriousness of Noah's condition when she explained that most babies that aspirate meconium are often better by day 2 and hardly ever remain on a ventilator for a full week. The ECMO treatment mentioned in Lauren's note is something that is only used as a last resort for babies who would die otherwise because it carries the risk of death itself.

Please add little Noah and his parents to your prayer list. Pray that he will tolerate the doctors weaning him off the ventilator and that he will not require the ECMO treatment. Pray for Lauren as she is recovering from a c-section and unable to hold her precious new baby. Pray for Brandon as he tries to provide strength and support to his wife while grieving so for his son. Pray that both would have faith during this time as they entrust their son to God and the medical staff. Please pass on this request to other believers who can add their prayers to ours. We know that God knew little Noah before his parents first laid eyes on him, and He has a perfect plan for Noah's life. God is good all of the time!

1 comment:

teacherjanet said...

Hey Missy. I have been praying for Noah. Can you give an update please?